Logitech Support en downloads (2024)

Logitech Support en downloads (1)

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JumpStart is subject to these Terms of Service. Logitech records certain usage data for security, support, and reporting purposes. Please review our: Privacy Policy

"; var jumpstartPostForm = "

If your support request concerns a Tap that was not sold as part of a Microsoft Teams Rooms including JumpStart Service, but as a standalone Tap device or as part of a Zoom Room or Hangouts Meet, contact Logitech support directly through this Link

"; var jumpstartThankyouPage = "

Your service request has been submitted.
An email from a JumpStart expert will be sent to [[form_email]]. Please check your Spam / Junk folder if you do not receive an email from JumpStart within 1 business day.
You may now close this window or continue browsing the support website.

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"; var jumpstartNote = "Please provide information in English."; var jumpstartDescRemnder = "Reminder: please provide description in English"; var submitButton = "INDIENEN"; var preferred_contact_method_id="360019387373"; var country_id="360019382014"; var meeting_platform_id="360019385793"; var connected_hardware_id="360019373114"; var jumpstart_endpoint="https://apim.workato.com/jumpstart-server-side-v1-10/jumpstart-validation"; var jumpstart_token="12f3a49ab58ec7900904a3f0c56153963e84cdcead336a41edb31614a9e40bba"; var emeaLanguages = { "fi": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FI", "no": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NO", "sv": "Logi_T1_EMEA_SV", "da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DA", "cs": "Logi_T1_EMEA_CS", "pl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_PL", "tr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR", "el": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EL", "pt-br": "Logi_T1_AMR_PT"}; var routing_logitech = { "en-za": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","cs": "Logi_T1_EMEA_CS","da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DA","de": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","de-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","de-da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","el": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EL","en-150": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN","en-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN","es": "Logi_T1_EMEA_ES","fi": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FI","fr-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","fr-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","fr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","hu": "Logi_T1_EMEA_HU","it-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_IT","it": "Logi_T1_EMEA_IT","nl-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NL","nl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NL","no": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NO","pl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_PL","ru": "Logi_T1_EMEA_RU","sv": "Logi_T1_EMEA_SV","th": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR","tr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR","en-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN","fr-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_FR","es-ar": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","es-419": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","es-mx": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","pt-br": "Logi_T1_AMR_PT","en-au": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-hk": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-in": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-my": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-nz": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-ph": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-sg": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","jp": "Logi_T1_AP_JA","ja": "Logi_T1_AP_JA","ko": "Logi_T1_AP_KO","vi": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","zh-cn": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHCN","zh-hk": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHTW","zh-tw": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHTW" }; var routing_b2b = { "en-za": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "nl-be": "B2B_T1_EMEA_NL", "nl": "B2B_T1_EMEA_NL" }; var routing_harmony = { "en-za": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Harmony_1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Harmony_1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "nl-be": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_NL", "nl": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_NL" }; var routing_gaming = { "en-za": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR", "cs": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_CS","da": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DA","de": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","de-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","de-da": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","el": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EL","en-150": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN","en-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN","es": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_ES","fi": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FI","fr-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","fr-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","fr": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","hu": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_HU","it-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_IT","it": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_IT","nl-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NL","nl": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NL","no": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NO","pl": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_PL","ru": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_RU","sv": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_SV","th": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","tr": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_TR","en-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN","fr-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_FR","es-ar": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","es-419": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","es-mx": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","pt-br": "Gaming_T1_AMR_PT","en-au": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-hk": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-in": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-my": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-nz": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-ph": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-sg": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","jp": "Gaming_T1_AP_JA","ja": "Gaming_T1_AP_JA","ko": "Gaming_T1_AP_KO","vi": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","zh-cn": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHCN","zh-hk": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHTW","zh-tw": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHTW" }; var routing_seed = { "en-ca": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "en-us": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN" }; var warrantystatusHeader = "Garantiestatus opzoeken"; var warrantystatusContent = `

Controleer uw dekking voor service en ondersteuning door alles correct in te vullen.
Het is uiterst belangrijk dat u het juiste land selecteert*

`; var warranty_status_workato_endpoint="https://apim.workato.com/product-lookup-v10/prod/warranty-for-serial-num"; var warranty_status_workato_token="eada23b666b5b1597cac6a0b2b62e219e30f09077fd75cb3ba8c361e74289a0f"; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_ext_warranty =`Einddatum van garantie
Gebaseerd op verlengde garantie (JJJJ-MM-DD)`; var checking_serial_number_warranty_status_form_id = "360006739433"; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_serial_num =`Einddatum van garantie
Gebaseerd op serienummer (JJJJ-MM-DD)`; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_purchase_date =`Einddatum van garantie
Gebaseerd op aankoopdatum (JJJJ-MM-DD)`; var productList_Response; var warranty_end_date; var warranty_type; var today; var continuebutton = `Doorgaan`; var backbutton = `Terug`; var Unexpectederror = `Fout tijdens ophalen van einddatum van garantie via workato`; var invalidSerialerror = `Voer een geldig serienummer in.`; var fieldIdMap = new Map([ ["Product",{"id":"360019373854","name":"Product", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["serial_number_or_confirmation_code" , { "id":"360019376633", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["name" , { "id":"360019375594", "hideonload":false,"required":true}] , ["company_name" , { "id":"360019364774", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["email" , { "id":"requester_email", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["language" , { "id":"360019366794", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["country" , { "id":"360019382014", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["phone_number" , { "id":"360019385593", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["software_one_case_id" , { "id":"360019378373", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["description" , { "id":"description", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["RMA_required" , { "id":"360019378533", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["shipping_method" , { "id":"360019366894", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["street_address" , { "id":"360019376293", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["city" , { "id":"360019364094", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["state" , { "id":"360019376333", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["postal_code" , { "id":"360019364134", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["internal_note" , { "id":"360019366814", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["software_one_agent_name" , { "id":"360019366854", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["authentication_code" , { "id":"360019366874", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["attachment" , { "id":"request-attachments", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["type" , { "id":"360011873473","name":"type", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["priority" , { "id":"360011873493","name":"priority", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["ticket_origin" , { "id":"360019375494","name":"ticket_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["secondary_origin" , { "id":"360019749493","name":"secondary_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["disposition" , { "id":"360019426594","name":"disposition", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["linked_product_id" , { "id":"360019372674","name":"linked_product_id", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["business_group" , { "id":"360019386653","name":"Business Group", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["routing_category" , { "id":"360019426873","name":"Routing Category", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["product_id" , { "id":"360019382494","name":"Product Id", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["product_short_name" , { "id":"360019373054","name":"Product Short Name", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ]);; var fieldDependancyMap = new Map([["RMA_required" , new Map([ [ "yes" , [ { "field":"shipping_method", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"street_address", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"city", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"state", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"postal_code", "display":true, "required":true}] ], [ "rma_no" , [ { "field":"shipping_method", "display":"false", "required":false},{ "field":"street_address", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"city", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"state", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"postal_code", "display":false, "required":false}] ] ]) ] ]);; var jumpstartEscalationStaticFieldVal = new Map([ ["subject", {"value": "JUMPSTART Service Escalation Request"}], ["ticket_form_id", {"value": "360001032333"}], ["routing_cat", {"value": "routing_seed","id": "360019426873"}], ["product_id", {"id": "360019382494"}]]);; var assetsSmartdock = "//theme.zdassets.com/theme_assets/9049502/be0a34b2230cca2b27cde0606d7124c434648d6f.png"; var jumpstartEscalationHeader = "ESCALATIEVERZOEK JUMPSTART-SERVICE"; var jumpstartEscalationContent = "

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"; var jumpstartEscalationBanner = "

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Logitech Support en downloads (2)

"; var invalidError = "Dit is niet het serienummer van een Tap-display. Het S/N vindt u op de basis van de Tap. Schroef hiervoor de onderkant van de Tap-behuizing los en/of verwijder, indien nodig, de vooraf geïnstalleerde adapters. U vindt het S/N ook op de doos van het Tap-product."; var invalidErrorForjumpstartEscalation = "Ongeldige code, voer de bevestigingscode of het serienummer van het product opnieuw in."; var expiredError = "Uw JumpStart-service is helaas verlopen. Neem contact op met de klantenservice van Logitech op https://support.logi.com voor hulp bij problemen of technische assistentie"; var unexpectedError = "Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden. Neem contact op met de Logitech-klantenservice op https://support.logi.com"; var invalidEmail = "Voer een geldig e-mailadres in."; var invalidAuthenticationcode = "Voer een geldige verificatiecode in." var jumpstartEscalationThankyouPage = "

Uw serviceverzoek is ingediend.
Een van onze service-experts neemt binnen één werkdag contact met u op om u te helpen.
U kunt het venster nu sluiten of verder browsen door de ondersteuningssite.

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Gebruik dit formulier om een socialmedia-escalatie bij de klantenservice in te dienen

"; var IEThankyouPage = "

Uw serviceverzoek is ingediend.
Een van onze service-experts neemt binnen één werkdag contact met u op om u te helpen.
U kunt het venster nu sluiten of verder browsen door de ondersteuningssite.

"; var assetsEducationSupportHeroImage = "//theme.zdassets.com/theme_assets/9049502/d1fc77e43a6ac8a7a829e8c5b86b952ebffb92d6.jpg"; var serialNoInfo = "

Voer maar één serienummer in. Als u meerdere serienummers moet registreren, kunt u hieronder een CSV-bestand als bijlage uploaden.

"; var eduHeroTitle = "Logitech-ondersteuning voor onderwijs"; var notLoggedInUserInfo = "Het opzetten van Mijn account is niet vereist, maar als u dit doet, kunt u uw product registreren om de duur van uw beperkte hardwaregarantie te valideren en uw ondersteuningsgeschiedenis te bekijken. Bovendien kunnen wij u dan persoonlijk afgestemde ondersteuning bieden."; var productInfoConsumerURL = "

Ziet u uw product niet? Kijk eens op onze pagina voor consumentenondersteuning!

"; var education_support_form_id = "360004097733"; var education_fields = "360019375594,360019382014,360019395193,360044898493,1900002403645"; education_fields = education_fields.split(" ").join(""); var serialNumberTicketFieldId = "360019395193"; var response_center_form_id = "360001149214"; var responseCenterFieldMap = new Map([["name" , { "id":"360019375594", "name":"Name", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true }] ,["email" , { "id":"requester_email", "name":"Email", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["topics_case_category" , { "id":"360019379113", "name":"Topics/Case Category", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["Country" , { "id":"360019382014", "name":"Country", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["description" , { "id":"description", "name":"Description of Customer's Issue", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}]]);; var resCenterFormCont = "

Hartelijk dank voor uw bezoek aan het Logitech Response Center. Gebruik dit formulier om (1) feedback te geven over ons privacybeleid of om verwijdering van uw gegevens aan te vragen; (2) een claim voor een auteursrecht- of handelsmerkovertreding in te dienen; (3) een beveiligingsprobleem met een website, een phishingmail of namaakproduct te rapporteren; of (4) vragen te stellen over andere beschikbare onderwerpen. We horen graag van u. Kies een onderwerp uit de onderstaande lijst en vul de volgende velden in om ons te helpen bij het verwerken van uw aanvraag.

Vragen over specifieke producten, software, verkopen en/of garanties worden apart behandeld door Logitech Support. Dien uw probleem of vraag in bij support.logi.com/contact.

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Logitech Support en downloads (3)

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Logitech Support en downloads (2024)


Do I have to download Logitech options? ›

To make use of all functionalities of your Logitech keyboard, you need the accompanying Logitech software. Without the latest version of this software, your keyboard might not even function properly.

How do I update my Logitech drivers? ›

To manually update your Logitech mouse driver follow these steps:
  1. Press Windows + R to open the Run window.
  2. Type devmgmt. ...
  3. Double-click Mice and other pointing devices category.
  4. Right-click your Logitech mouse and select Update driver.
Apr 20, 2021

How do I reinstall Logitech keyboard drivers? ›

Go to Start > Type "Device Manager" and hit enter > right click on your Keyboard driver > select properties > select driver tab > click on uninstall device > select "Delete the driver software for this device" and click OK > In Device Manager, on the Action menu, select Scan for hardware changes > Wait for it to scan ...

Is Logitech Options safe to install? ›

Users who have Logitech Options installed should uninstall the software immediately, it will be very easy for attackers to exploit this issue and any visited website is a security risk when the software runs on the computer.

What is the difference between Logitech G hub and Logitech options? ›

The major difference is that G Hub is laid out in a bit more of intuitive manner, going forward from 2019, all Logitech devices will use Logitech G Hub. G Hub also has a few extra features that are unrelated to setting up your mouse, it has OBS integration for streaming and Discord integrations.

How do I manually install or update drivers? ›

Update the device driver
  1. In the search box on the taskbar, enter device manager, then select Device Manager.
  2. Select a category to see names of devices, then right-click (or press and hold) the one you'd like to update.
  3. Select Search automatically for updated driver software.
  4. Select Update Driver.

How do I install all driver updates? ›

To quickly update device drivers using Windows Update, use these steps:
  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Update & Security.
  3. Click on Windows Update.
  4. Click the Check for updates button.
  5. Click the View optional updatesoption.
  6. Click the Driver updatestab.
  7. Select the driver you want to update.
  8. Click the Download and installbutton.
Feb 24, 2022

Do I need to install Logitech software for mouse? ›

Yes, you can use MX Master 3 mouse without installing software. however, to access customization options, you need to install Logitech Options software.

How do I redownload keyboard drivers? ›

Navigate to Device Manager and right-click on the keyboard and click on Update Driver Software.
  1. Click on Browser my computer for driver software. ...
  2. Click on Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.

How do I get my computer to recognize my Logitech keyboard? ›

Bluetooth Setup for Keyboard
  1. Step 1 of 5. Make sure your keyboard is on. To turn your keyboard ON, find the switch at the top right corner and push it to the right. ...
  2. Step 2 of 5. The LED should be blinking fast. ...
  3. Complete the pairing to your computer.
  4. Complete the pairing to your computer.

How do I fix a keyboard driver problem? ›

Step 1: Right-click on Start and select Device Manager. Step 2: Expand Keyboards. Step 3: Right-click on the affected keyboard and select Update driver. Step 4: Select search automatically for updated driver software.

What is the official Logitech software? ›

Logitech Options is a powerful and easy-to-use application that enhances your Logitech mice, keyboards, and touchpads. Customize your device with Options to achieve more, faster.

Do I need to download software for Logitech Webcam? ›

To get started, you will need to download and install the Logitech Webcam Software. Make sure your computer has access to the internet.

How do I connect Logitech app? ›

Go to Settings and Networks and select Bluetooth. 2. Select name of the Logitech device you want to connect from the list of available devices and click Pair.

Can Logitech mouse be hacked? ›

The flaw was discovered in 2016 and dubbed "MouseJack." It can allow a hacker to intercept the wireless signal between a Logitech mouse or keyboard and the USB Unifying Receiver dongle it connects to from up to 100 meters away, said Bastille, a wireless security consultancy.

What is Logitech download assistant and do I need it? ›

Logitech Download Assistant is a useful piece of software designed to automatically find and update other Logitech programs installed on the computer. It helps to keep Logitech software up to date, ensuring the best possible experience while using Logitech accessories, like mice and keyboards.

Why do I need Logitech G hub? ›

G HUB recognizes your supported Logitech G gear, and gives you full access to their customization features. It automatically keeps firmware up to date. Choose features, assign macros and key binding, create color breaks and animations, all with a simple, intuitive interface.

What does G mean in Logitech? ›

With some Logitech gaming keyboards, a "G" in a circle is a keyboard function key that enables Game mode. When enabled, Game mode disables the Windows key. For example, pressing Fn + F8 on the Logitech G513 keyboard enables and disables Game mode.

Should you use G hub? ›

If you are looking for advanced features like G-Shift keys and LED profiles, G Hub will be perfect for you. Logitech Gaming Software does not provide many modern features that G Hub does. Now you may ask, what is g shift, it is a feature of the gaming mice.

How do you check if all drivers are up to date? ›

Keeping your drivers up to date may be a pain, but it's something we all have to do.
To check for any updates for your PC, including driver updates, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.
  2. Click the Settings icon (it's a small gear)
  3. Select Updates & Security then click Check for updates.
Mar 9, 2022

Where do I put downloaded drivers? ›

All the driver's files should be placed in a location relative to the location of the INF file. The driver INF files should be added as regular files. They should not be imported in Windows Installer format when added in "Files and Folders" page. DO NOT manually add the files to the System32 folder.

Do drivers update automatically? ›

Windows can automatically check if there are drivers available for new devices that you connect to your computer. For hardware that you've connected to your computer in the past, updated drivers might become available at a later date; but those drivers aren't installed automatically.

Is it OK to update all drivers? ›

If your hardware is working as intended, it's best to let it be, since new drivers can introduce problems as well as fix them. If, however, you're having issues with a specific piece of hardware—or you know one of your drivers has a security flaw that needs fixing—it might be a good idea to update it.

How do I download updates manually? ›

Select Start > Control Panel > Security > Security Center > Windows Update in Windows Security Center. Select View Available Updates in the Windows Update window. The system will automatically check if there's any update that need to be installed, and display the updates that can be installed onto your computer.

How do I setup my Logitech USB mouse? ›

Plug the wireless receiver into your computer USB port

If not, press and hold the Easy-Switch™ button (on bottom of mouse) for 3 seconds. When the light begins blinking, the mouse is ready to pair with your computer.

Which Logitech software do I need? ›

Once you have a Logitech webcam camera installed, you will want to get software from Logitech that will help you make the most of the camera. The current (as of August 2022) best option is the LogiTune app for Windows or Mac.

Does a USB mouse need a driver? ›

Today's operating systems no longer require drivers for standard mouse interoperability. If your computer has a standard one or two button mouse and uses a current version of the operating system, you don't need any special drivers to use your mouse.

How do I update my keyboard drivers? ›

In the search box on the taskbar, type device manager, then select Device Manager from the list of results. In the list of hardware categories, find the device that you want to update, and then double-click the device name. Click the Driver tab, click Update Driver, and then follow the instructions.

How do I uninstall and reinstall keyboard drivers? ›

Select "Device Manager" from the pane on the left. Expand the Keyboards section, right-click on the keyboard you want to repair and choose "Uninstall." Click the Windows "Start" button and select "Restart." When your computer boots up, Windows will detect your keyboard and install the driver.

How do I restore my keyboard? ›

Reset your wired keyboard
  1. Unplug the keyboard.
  2. With the keyboard unplugged, hold down the ESC key.
  3. While holding down the ESC key, plug the keyboard back into the computer.
  4. Keep holding the ESC key until the keyboard begins to flash.
  5. Unplug the keyboard again, then plug it back in.

Why is my keyboard not detected? ›

Check your connection

Sometimes the simplest solution fixes the problem. Verify the keyboard is plugged in securely. Disconnect the keyboard from the computer and reconnect it to the same port. If you have a USB keyboard, you may also want to try a different USB port to isolate the issue.

Why is my wireless keyboard not connecting? ›

The batteries that you are using are low in power. The receiver is plugged into a port that is not working. The wireless device that you are using has trouble synchronizing with the receiver. There may be interference from other wireless devices.

Why won't my Logitech connect to my computer? ›

Perform a reset on the mouse by removing the battery (as described in the previous section). Wait a few moments before replacing the battery. Switch on the mouse before reinserting the dongle into the PC's USB port. Move the mouse on the mousepad to see if the computer recognizes the device.

Why is my USB keyboard and mouse not working? ›

If the mouse or keyboard connection is loose, the device won't be getting all the power it can get. When a flash drive is then connected, it takes even more power away, causing the cursor movement or typing device to stop working. Make sure that the USB or wireless mouse and keyboard are properly connected.

What causes device driver issues? ›

Most device driver problems on Windows are caused by missing, corrupted or outdated drivers. It's just one of the many reasons you should keep your device drivers up to date.

How do I fix unresponsive keyboard keys? ›

Here's how to fix unresponsive keyboard keys:
  1. Unplug the keyboard and plug it back in. ...
  2. Try a different cable. ...
  3. Replace the batteries. ...
  4. Clean the keyboard. ...
  5. Blow out the unresponsive switch. ...
  6. Use contact cleaner. ...
  7. Inspect the solder joints. ...
  8. Replace the switch.
Mar 14, 2022

Is Logitech now called Logi? ›

Logitech International S.A. (/ˈlɒdʒɪtɛk/ LOJ-i-tek; often shortened to Logi) is a Swiss multinational manufacturer of computer peripherals and software, with headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, and Newark, California.

What is the new Logitech options? ›

Logi Options+ is the next-gen app that lets you manage and customize your supported mice and supported keyboards —so they all seamlessly work to support you.

Does Logitech give free replacements? ›

You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

How do I access my Logitech webcam settings? ›

You can open the Camera Settings app by selecting it on the desktop or by searching for it from the start menu. Press the Windows button and search for "Logitech Camera Settings." This may look slightly different on Windows 7 computers. On the home screen you will be presented with basic camera controls.

Does Logitech work without software? ›

The Logitech Options software gives you added bonuses like FLOW and the ability to reprogram the buttons, but the mouse will work without it.

How to install Logitech drivers? ›

FAQ-Logitech Mouse Driver
  1. Press Windows + R to open the Run window.
  2. Type devmgmt. ...
  3. Double-click Mice and other pointing devices category.
  4. Right-click your Logitech mouse and select Update driver.
Apr 20, 2021

Do I need Logitech options at startup? ›

It isn't an essential executable file for the Windows OS. As the process name suggests, LogiOptions.exe (UNICODE) is responsible for managing your Logitech keyboard or mouse options. It launches automatically on startup, but it doesn't have to—removing it won't render your Logitech keyboard or mouse useless.

Do I need to download software for Logitech webcam? ›

To get started, you will need to download and install the Logitech Webcam Software. Make sure your computer has access to the internet.

What does Logitech Options software do? ›

Logitech Options is a powerful and easy-to-use application that enhances your Logitech mice, keyboards, and touchpads. Customize your device with Options to achieve more, faster. Introducing Logi Options+, the next-gen Options app. Get the best features from Options with a fresh, easy-to-use interface – for free.

Should I disable Logitech download assistant? ›

It is a good idea to remove the assistant from startup or uninstall the software altogether. When you disable the Logitech download assistant, you will not lose any functionality. No Logitech device needs it to operate properly. The software updates notifications will probably stop after you remove the software.

Are startup apps necessary? ›

As a general rule, it's safe to remove any startup program. If a program starts automatically, it usually provides a service that works best if it's always running, such as an antivirus program. Or, the software may be necessary to access special hardware features, such as proprietary printer software.

How do I turn off Logitech options? ›

Take a look in Settings > System > Notifications & actions. If Logitech is listed among notification senders you can set its notifications off.
4 Answers
  1. Click Start.
  2. Type msconfig.exe , push enter.
  3. Click the 'Startup' tab.
  4. Uncheck the box next to "Logitech Download Assistant".
Nov 13, 2017

How do I download Logitech webcam software? ›

Install updated drivers and firmware from Logitech's website.
  1. Click your webcam model. ...
  2. Click Downloads on the left side of the page.
  3. Select your operating system if prompted.
  4. Download any recent software available for the camera by clicking Download Now.
Nov 17, 2022

What is the Logitech app called? ›

Logitech announced this week a new companion app for the Mevo ecosystem called “Mevo Go.” With this app, iOS and Android users will be able to easily turn their devices into sources for live streaming video, audio, and screencasting.

How do I completely remove Logitech software? ›

How to Remove Logitech Drivers
  1. Click the Windows "Start" button, select "Control Panel" and choose the "Hardware and Sound" link. ...
  2. Locate the driver for the Logitech device in question from the list on the screen. ...
  3. Right-click on the driver and choose "Uninstall" from the menu.

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