C Telopeptide Blood Test Results Explained - HRF (2024)

The C-Telopeptide blood test, referred to as the CTx test, is ordered to either evaluate or monitor the rate of bone formation and resorbtion. It is a useful tool to detect the presence of Paget disease and monitor the progress of osteoporosis. This blood test is typically ordered when there could be the presence of a metabolic bone disease. When bone densities are found to be reduced or if medication is being taken that could create bone loss, the CTx is a common test to have ordered.

Depending on your medical situation, a standard blood draw may be ordered or a urine test may be ordered to complete the C-telopeptide test. This blood test is usually taken in the morning because fasting is typically required to create accurate results.

What Does the C-Telopeptide Blood Test Measure?

Your skeleton is actually a living, “breathing” life that is inside of you. The bone tissues will turnover at a rate of about 10% per year. This turnover rate leaves evidence within the blood and this test helps to measure how the bone metabolism is operating. Bone is generally made up of collagen, which is a protein network that makes the skeleton strong. When mineralized with calcium, the structure of each bone is continually replaced so that it can stay strong and healthy.

There are several diseases that can create an imbalance in this formation structure. Unlike children that have higher levels of bone formation than absorption because of their growth, adults fit into the 10% normal range when they are healthy. If there are measurements that are higher or lower than this, then there could be a serious disease present.

What Do Low C-Telopeptide Blood Test Results Mean?

Most people will receive a normal blood test result when this specific test is ordered. For those that receive an abnormal result, a low reading is usually what will be discovered. This is because after the age of 30, most people have developed the bone density and structure that their body needs and absorption becomes faster than bone creation. It is when this net loss is greater than normal that something serious may be going on.

Bone loss can happen for a wide variety of reasons. The most common reason for a low test result is because of age-related osteoporosis. Secondary osteoporosis is also an option, which occurs when there is an underlying condition that is contributing to bone loss. There are several other conditions which may also contribute to a low test result.

  • Chronic kidney diseases.
  • Multiple myeloma.
  • Chronic medication use for epileptic conditions or emotional stability.

What Do High C-Telopeptide Blood Test Results Mean?

Having high levels of bone markers in the blood or urine could suggest the presence of elevate bone resorption and this may be an indicator of osteoporosis as well. It is also a common indicator of a metastatic cancer that has spread to the bones or a problem with the thyroid gland being over-productive.

In children, a high test result may also be an indication of rickets. It is also an indication that there is a calcium or Vitamin D deficiency present.

How Reliable Is This Blood Test?

Although the C-Telopeptide blood test can provide indicators that there is something going on that could be problematic, the test results are not considered to be definitive. The number of bone markers that are in the blood can change several times throughout the day. This is why fasting is encouraged because eating can cause an increase in specific markers.

Bone markers are typically at their highest in the morning as well. This is why the test is ordered immediately in the morning for most individuals.

Other factors can affect the results as well. This may include the amount of exercise that someone gets in the morning, how many fluids they’ve consumed, or even if they’ve had caffeine during the day. This won’t affect the actual bone markers, but it can change how those markers are measured during the laboratory examination of the test.

The C-Telopeptide blood test is commonly ordered to determine if bone loss is occurring at a rate that is faster than expected. It may also be ordered as part of an overall diagnostic picture to determine if there is an underlying health problem. If you have any questions about what your specific blood test results turn out to be, then be sure to discuss these concerns with your doctor.

Bone loss can be a serious problem, especially later on in life. Take action today to maintain bone health, no matter what your blood test results happen to be.

C Telopeptide Blood Test Results Explained - HRF (2024)
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